As Above So Below

Messages come to us through the movement of the planets and stars, our capacity for intuition and attunement to the Divine, and the most obvious occurences and observations from Life itself.

Signs and Portents by: Miz Mars: an astrologer; Akasha Vox: an intuitive and tarot card reader; Portentious: a student of symbology and omenology

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Digital Television

With the change to all DTV -- by law -- deadline February 17th, does this mean symbolically that people in the US will begin to see things more clearly?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, people who have been using the digital converter boxes (without cable or dishes) and don't live in a major metro area have been raising a ruckus because signals go out in bad weather, just like satelitte dishes do. I've read online a number of people who say they got clearer signals with regular rabbit ears.

    Not sure on the symbolism, but thought it was interesting.
